Wednesday, June 5, 2013

♡Online School♡

Hello again everyone! 。◕ ‿ ◕。

I extremely want to start online school in two years, after I finish this coming up school year, but my mother isn't okay with it, (She's a traditional person). ‘︿’  I would like to start online schooling because I feel it would be a lot easier for me. Reasons being:

1. I'm not very social, and have never been, so it's hard for me to be around people; because, I just do not enjoy it.

2. It would be easier, and more comfortable, for me to take school online because it would be a lot easier for me to concentrate, being by myself and all.

3. (After next school year) I will only have to take:
      Math: 11th & 12th
     English: 11th & 12th
    Science: 10th, 11th, & 12th
   Social Studies: 10th, 11th, & 12th
to receive my high school diploma. 

Comments about the following are greatly appreciated and, very much so, needed.* 

Thank you. (◡‿◡✿)

*1. If online schooling for myself is a good/bad idea.
*2. If you have ever taking online schooling, is it better/worse than regular/traditional schooling.

♡Have a great summer everyone!♡