Friday, August 2, 2013


Okay everyone I know how much you love your Victoria's Secret's bags but the truth behind these cute bags is they can't hold much! For the expensive price that you're forced to pay for these bags they're not very good quality and will probably only last you a year at the most. They also are small inside with not many pockets. In my opinion these may be cute but they are not worth the money!

This cute denim bag from American Apparel is expensive but sturdy and you will get your money's worth from this bag! You can also add cute patches and lace to it! Check out Jasmine Blu's post on customizing your backpack. It can also hold a lot! Even up to 3 textbooks! (depending on size of course) 

Lastly this cute backpack from Stay Cute is sturdy, can hold almost anything, and is ONLY $25! You can also customize this bag with patches and lace! What more do I need to say this bag is perfect!

If you guys would like me to find more backpacks please let me know in the comments and I'll see what I can find! This is part one of a back to school series so stay tuned cutiepies!

Okay guys! So I'm starting a new back to school series where I will be making individual post about supplies, makeup, hair, outfits  and things of that nature! (◡‿◡✿

The first post will of course be a backpack post! But if there's anything specific you want me to make a post of please let me know in the comments or on my Tumblr or Twitter

                         See you all soon!